Elderly man holding a ball in his right hand and a woman holding his hand, Estate Planning Attorney.

What If I Don’t Have a Will?

Will & Estate Planning Every state has statutes and laws to create a Will if someone passes away without creating a Will themselves. Those laws are called intestacy laws, and you can be said to have died “intestate” if you have no Will. There are misconceptions about what happens if you die without a Will.…

ENACTMENT OF CALIFORNIA SENATE BILL 323 Hudack Law Estate Planning Attorney


  On October 12, 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law, California Senate Bill No. 323, which was sponsored by State Senator Robert Wieckowski. This Bill made many changes to the Davis-Stirling Common Interest Development Act (Davis-Stirling Act). The following is a summary of the changes. This summary is not meant to be relied on…