A Loved One Is Experiencing Memory Loss and Touching His Forehead - Estate Planning Attorney and Legally Incompetent

When Can Someone Be Declared Legally Incompetent?

Can Someone Be Declared Legally Incompetent? Estate Planning Attorney Joseph Hudack says that if a loved one is experiencing memory loss or suddenly making poor decisions, you may want the court to appoint a guardian, which requires a declaration of incompetence. Determining whether someone is incompetent to make their own decisions is a complicated process.…

A Military Veteran Man Wearing Blue Uniform after Long-Reviled Military ‘Widow’s Tax’ Is Finally Being Phased Out

Long-Reviled Military ‘Widow’s Tax’ Is Finally Being Phased Out

Long-Reviled Military Widow’s Tax A controversial policy that reduces the benefits of military spouses is on the way out. The so-called “widow’s tax” cuts assistance to surviving military spouses who qualify for benefits under two different military benefits programs. The two programs are: The Department of Defense’s Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP), which allows military retirees…